PWA'S Behind the Hustle: Business
Tools for Fitness Professionals!
PWA's first Workshop is now LIVE, PMA approved & ready for bookings!
Take a look into why you need to take this comprehensive course:
Behind the Hustle: Business Tools for Fitness Professionals!
Owner & Master Trainer, Ashlee of PWA, has launched her first-one of its kind-worksop to help Instructors gain a comprehensive understanding of exactly what's "behind the hustle!" By using her proven business tools & techniques, fitness professionals will enhance their practice/business and ultimately become the most successful entrepreneur!
After teaching for over 13 years, Ashlee has taken her training, experience, her PR & Marketing skills, and has launched a Pilates Empire! She's specifically designed this Workshop to show you how to become one of your community's Top Trainers, help guide new trainers after completing their certification, and for seasoned Instructors looking for NEW tips on how to keep their business's steadily flowing! In 2017 when PWA opened its doors, Ashlee effortlessly booked her studio solid in just 8 months and now she's sharing her secrets!
Learn how to grow & get your business up & running: smoothly, effectively & efficiently by booking Ashlee & Behind the Hustle NOW!

Ashlee has 14+ years experience in her field as a Master Instructor & Entrepreneur. Graduated with a BA in Marketing & Business from the Art Institute-Chicago.
A comprehensive understanding of the details & "behind the scenes" work that's required to run a business.
You’ll learn & understand by tweaking small techniques and/or approaches, you could be enhancing your practice & business by 100%.
Each participant will leave my workshop having a better understanding of Social Media and its role in amplifying business success.
Participants will gain an extensive understanding of exactly what's behind the hustle and use these proven business tools to ultimately gain entrepreneurial success!
This course was designed after many of her peers asked the same questions......"What do I do now~ after completing my Pilates Certification?" ​Ashlee has a well-rounded understanding of which marketing tactics are most effective in gaining clientele.

NEW CLIENTS- Gaining Client’s Trust, Spotting Injuries, Importance of Studio waivers/policies, etc.
MARKETING STRATEGIES TO ATTRACT NEW CLIENTELE- Social Media Breakdown (Pros/Cons), Promotional tools, etc.
GAIN, RETAIN & MAINTAINING CLIENTS- The importance of Class Flow, Meeting your clients goals/needs.
TEACHER INSPIRATION- How do you keep your creative juices flowing?
MECHANICS/DIFFERENCES OF THE EQUIPMENT- Breakdown of different Reformers, other Pilates apparatuses problems.
Q&A- This Workshop was designed to be interactive, sharing each others stories, concerns, & how we can ALL learn from them!